Christmas decorations went down weeks ago, the train pulled out of kings cross and before I knew it I was back in “yorkie bar” (as my sister now calls it). However after having not much holiday (due to working and revising) I felt as though I had never left. Once again this blog will highlight the happening of my University life, with endless “banter” (what a Yorkshire word)….
Have you kept your new years resolution?
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As soon as I returned to York I had to face 2 departmental exams. Now for those who are not in university, just to highlight the importance of departmental exams…not much. I was stressing majorly about them until I realised that they are only worth 10% of this year…which does not actually have an impact on my degree. However stress still occurred. The electronics exam was ok, maths was as though I had been thrown into a hot pool of lava without swimming trunks.
On top of all of this, I also had a C programming assignment due in TODAY! Meaning I have not slept last night, so apologies if this blog is rubbish.
The only thing the exams have taught me is that this term im going to have to get work under my belt.
//Other activities
As you may know, I have been appointed webmaster of Vanbrugh, and over the holidays I started designing a website for Vanbrugh. For all my lovely readers you can have a look as this website here: WEBSITE
I also managed to get the Vanbrugh JCR on google maps so if you have time search it up XD
However, the most exciting news is that myself and Jono have now officially got a radio show on URY . It will be broadcasted at 11:30pm – 1:00am on Saturday, First show is this Saturday , show name is “The Graveshifters” have a look!
//Door wars update
Yes folks, you will be pleased to know that door wars has not died this term. In fact it has advanced to another level, room wars.
On Tuesday night Jonny stupidly left his room unlocked…
Just to highlight what happened, we moved Jonnys mattress into Richards room (who also left his room unlocked before going out), then Richard and Jonny went out, Jonny not locking his room but Richard locking his. Then when Jonny returned he had no mattress or bed…Richard did not return for another hour.
Also Jono always sleeps with his room unlocked and this happened:
Thats toothpaste in his hair....
And of course the door...
So from this episode of “ROOM WARS” we have learnt never to leave your room unlocked.
//Christian Life
So before I went back to York I had the joy of going to my home Church ABC again, it was great to see everyone and I do miss them a lot.
Last Sunday Jono and I went to the Heslington Church service, this is an Anglo-Methodist church. It was a small congregation with a modern attitude to worship and so is a definite one to consider, prayers for Church would be good.
I have been finding it hard to find time to fit meditation into my schedule with assignments, exams, websites and such like, but I know that God is there with me and I know that he will always be there.
I have also paid for the CU weekend away at the end of week 3 so that’s something to look forwards to.
No updates
//Prayer Requests
Thank God for bringing everyone back to York safely, and for the recovery of a member of my friends family.
-Pray for time management
-Pray for Open Small Groups and CU
-Pray for Church
Thanks for reading, hope you all had a good Christmas a new year.
God bless