Thursday, 14 April 2011


So although I completely fail at keeping my blog up to date, I have decided that as a new form of procrastination I will write a random one off blog. The reason is, believe it or not, I often see things which amuse/entertain me and I do take photos of them. Then today, in another form of procrastination I decided to download all the photos on my mobile…bellow are a couple of my favourites, enjoy =]

Mince Pie Fail
The reason this image is fail:
1- It was taken in September, before I went to Uni...
2-Surely it is obvious not to stack above the display height? No? Maybe its just me...

Camping Fail
This is my 6 year old Tadpole Tent. While on a camping trip I figured it would be a good idea to move said tent with all my stuff still inside. This picture shows that strengthened aluminium ultralight poles cannot do moving a 20kg bag...

Luckily for me though the nice people at North Face fixed my pole (no innuendo intended) for free =]

Jono Fail
So many Jono fails to choose from...however this one stands out.
Jono thought that it would be a good idea to make his grand entrance to a a bin. 

And the results are in...Bins and Jono do not mix.

Fresher Fail
Name: Rose
Occupation: Writing for Nouse I believe
Found: Wandering Vanbrugh
Introduced by: Kallum, who else
Met: Gluten Free Spaghetti

Electronics is FUN!

 Says it all really

Church win
Once again, says it all.

Happy Food
Contains all the yummy goodness a student needs =]

York wants their students to study...
This is the entire Star Trek Series in the York Uni Library....what chance does my lab report stand? Seriously?

I think that will do for now, I don't want to over indulge you. Now my lab report beckons. Stay safe

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

The Great Return?

So, a bit like a person who is late for a lecture I am sneaking back into the blog scene with this post…

I owe apologies to all those dedicated people to me who visit this website weekly, expecting an update just to find reference to my summer…which was by anyone’s standards AGES ago.

However, I return with this post!

Right, well second year is just over a 1/3 through. It was advised that we should continue our learning over the summer, and being a student I did nothing….well nearly nothing (I worked a lot at Blacks). So the second year started and surprise surprise, first year maths was a  “needed” requirement in order to do any courses this year.

Now for those who don’t know me, here is a bit about me:
-I’m David
-I study Electronics at York
-I got 42% in my maths module last year…

This means that I effectively know 42% of the first year maths….hmmm

This appeared on the first years timetable....

But putting that aside I plodded on with the term and managed to get through without too many battle scars (such as burning my nose on a soldering iron…who remembers that?)

After Christmas I had to do exams and these ones actually counted towards my life  dignity  motivation pokemon…Degree. So I decided to revise, which was a weird alternative dimension where suddenly tidying my room became extremely interesting and motivational…..

I am currently awaiting my results.

Second term is about the same as first term just with even more maths so I am actually screwed, however the topics are interesting so with a lot of late nights and a pornographic magazine on processors I should be able to get by.

 //Christian Life
God is good, and he is always there even when we kid ourselves into thinking he is not.

That above line probably sums up what I have learnt over the last term and a third. I can’t go into much detail because I could write pages and pages of how God has moved in my life and those around me over the last couple of months, however just be encouraged that he keeps his promises!

I am still going to Hes Church, although I have started looking at others just to get a variety.

Oh yes, I am now no longer the leader of Explore (Alpha Course style thing) for Vanbrugh CU or the PA co-ordinator for the main CU, all roles change over at Christmas. I am now Publicity Co-Ordinator for the main CU which is exciting as I get to boss people like Emily M (see previous blogs) around….oh which note, “EMILY I WANT A CUP OF COFFEE!!!”

I will at this point bring in my house a bit:
-I currently live in a house
-It is a bigish for four people
-I live with men
-Our house is called The House Of Man

The people in my house:
-Bulgaria (yes the entire country)
-Kallum Taylor (Who is now the chair of Vanbrugh)
-Jono Hodson (Who is now the head of the Vanbrugh CU)

The Crew (K-Dog, Bulgaria, Jono, Me!)

If you bothered to read the above lists (and I wouldn’t blame you if you had actually stopped reading this blog by now) then your eyes will see that I live with both the head of the student body for the college and the head of the Christian Union for the college. This can only be a good thing….praise God!


Yes we did continue with our failing radio show….and we hit our 1 year landmark.

We decided to do a best of show, which was hard considering the lack of actually good content, however we managed to scrape the jar (is that even a phrase?) and put together a passable show.

It was actually great fun to produce and we had a lot of listeners so yayyy!

If you want to tune in, then you can on  we broadcast from 8-9pm on Mondays!

Also we made a new video

//Door Wars
Unfortunately, being in a house, a level of respect has to be kept.

Having said that last week Bulgaria, Jono and I did post-it Kallums Room:

I think Door Wars may have died =[

//Prayer Points
-For Vanbrugh CU as it continues to listen and learn from God
-For The Christian Union Weekend away this weekend

//Praise Points
-Thanking God for amazing friends
-Thanking God for being so faithful and good

So there you have it, a very brief, probably too brief insight into the last 3 months. I worry that I cant remember most of what has happened, but those bits I can have on the whole been good..

Much Love
God Bless