So, it seems that i have actually updated this *shock horror*
Since the last (and first) post allot has happened. I have nearly completed my long 3 month holiday (into the last month now). I got my A level grades (AAB) and got into York University to study Electronic Engineering Meng. God truly blessed me with my results and I was over the moon.
So now in this last month of my extended holiday I am starting to plan for University. I have so far half updated my bank account to accommodate the FAT loan that is coming my way. I have applied for accommodation and have uploaded a photo to my new University email address which I will never use...seeing as it is forwarded to my other gmail address XD
Iv also started cooking for myself. When i say myself, what i actually mean is myself and my sister and my mother and my father. Basically my parents made me learn to cook so I am. Its not as bad when you have a recipe book but without that I would be lost.
Which brings me onto the next item on the equipment.
Now how much cooking equipment are you meant to bring to Uni? one pot? two Pots? an army of pots? I have no idea...
Next item is stuff for my room, I have just built a snazzy new computer which I'm very pleased with so that's defiantly coming up with me, but do I bring the whole 7.1 speaker system or what? Also which books do i bring? Will i read the Harry Potter series while up in York? These questions need to be answered and yet no answers are coming.
But all in all I'm very excited about York, I met (through facebook) some lovely people from the CU (Christian Union) up there and I think God has plans for me. Obviously it is important to keep focused in faith during this time with nothing to really do so pray that I can remain focused, if your the praying sort of person.
God bless