Friday, 26 February 2010

University- Knitting?

Well its been a while since I did one of these (nearly two weeks now). Sorry to those who tuned in expecting a blog and received a rant about Maths last week. Thanks to TFG for explaining how to work out that x=0 is the same as 0=x…much appreciated.

So this week, a little less rant, a little more constructive: Should people be allowed to be penguins?

I realise that these polls are getting more and more obscure but hey…

In response to last weeks, 61% of people said that Maths should die in a hole. However as Geoff and Will both pointed out, without maths the statistical analysis I have just mentioned would not be able to occur, therefore Maths probably should not die in a hole.

Once again a section about the ever increasing in popularity Graveshifters. For those not in the know (or care) graveshifters is a radio show I present with Mr Hodson on Saturday evenings on URY. The highlight last week was when one listener (who shall remain anonymous but we all know as Megan Jackson) requested that I took off my top whist in the studio. Feeling left out Mr Hodson joined suit. The response was thus:

The above image was broadcast to the world through the medium of a live webcam. The chief computer engineer was in the studio at the time and then proceeded to post this onto facebook. I have since requested we get a censorship image placed on top of our webcam for our next show…tune in to see if this occurs ( 11:30pm Saturday)

//Other happenings
In sadder news, my phone decided to finally die. It did it in quite an amazing fashion, first the screen only worked ½ the time. Then the Speaker stopped working, meaning I had to rummage around for my headset every time someone called me. This proved a major issue when my future landlord rang me and I had to explain to him that I could not hear him…

The final straw was when the keypad stopped working, and although I tried using my new found knowledge of electronics to resurrect it was not happening…dead phone.

But help was at hand, in the form of ebay. I have now got a Sony Ericson thing, which actually has a better inbuilt camera…which is good =]

*Reconnecting with my feminine side*
Last weekend I once again crashed the home of 20 Sussex road in order to get some maths work done, whilst there I came across a strange habit that girls seem to develop…that of knitting….

That’s right bloggers, girls seem to like this strange “sport” whereby they spend hours making things out of dead sheep….

This did not really bother me I just wanted to make a point, that I don’t find knitting an attractive pastime, but neither is maths so fair does.

//Christian Life
As some of you may know I am joint leader of Explore (a group for people exploring faith). So far its going amazingly well with God bringing new questions and people every week. Its been a challenging time for me as obviously being human I do not have all the answers, but God is good and explore is continuing to surprise me.

Christian Union also cleaned my kitchen last week as part of Love your uni:

Just thought I should mention this as they did an awesome job.

We also held a join event with Alquin CU this week called Curious; the idea was to have toasties with testimonies. It was an awesome event especially because I broke all health and safety regulations:

And I found this gem on campus:
"University of York in the evening"- Confused much?

*Rag week*
Two weeks ago was RAG week (raising and giving), not much to mention apart from I had the privilege of marching into York city centre dressed as a Jedi, enough said:

Last week my supervision group and I had to present a poster for our group project, this went well, although we did turn the whole event into a sort of rave by bringing speakers to accompany our poster…I’m sure the physics and Electronics building appreciated Daft Punk being played on a Friday afternoon.

We also took the opportunity to take lots of photos on my new phone:
Our Poster

//Person of the week
This weeks person of the week finishes off a family of people that have been on my blog for quite some time now. Jayne Chuter completes my family of 20 Sussex Road.

Enjoying music and knitting, Jayne is a lovely person. Although she denies it, she absolutely loves having her hair rustled and thrives in having her hair platted by David.

//Prayer Requests
-Explore Group
-People on my floor, for continued good relationships
-Graveshifters (thanking God)

So there you have it, another blog from me. I hope you have not fallen asleep reading it. Remember to tune in to Graveshifters and send me a message and ill do my best to give you a shout out. In the mean time, remember that God is good, life is fun and cheese is awesome.

God bless

//Random Photo of Jono
This is what happens when you pose like that...I post it online mahahah


  1. ewAKJfjhsdjhsdfjhasdfjhwef*ijzsdb$gashjv"kljhzdfksdhjsd//\sdfkljsdp[3uiwe&TgeUI7tWAO7rtYR98rfTKUYGE\FB\DZFNB\DJKUI8iilsafebk098098wr

    I said I'd leave a comment...

  2. You said "...and people say God does not work"

    No, it is clear that it is David Lindley who does not work. At least, if the regularity of his posts are anything to go by.

  3. Judging by this bloc, billed as "a place to store my thoughts by David Lindley", 5 sheets of A4 paper typed at font size 12 should be sufficient space for the output of the next 10 years.
