Friday, 23 October 2009

Univeristy- End of week 1/ week 2


Well it’s the end of my first week at University and the official end of "fresher’s week". (Although my college is having a fresher fortnight because we are the best college in York by a mile).

This is a quick summary to keep you updated, and there is more about what God is doing on campus which some of you may find interesting, if you don't then there is plenty more to read =D


So with fresher’s week come events, the main event for the whole of the fresher’s being the Fresher’s Ball. This was taking place at the York racecourse and so was a black tie event.

We had to get buses to the event (all part of our ticket cost) and so we joined a queue to get onto a bus. When we were on me and my mate Kallum tried to get to the back of the bus (top deck) but were held while the song "there were __ on the back seat of the bus" was sang (__ being replaced by the number of people on the back seat of the bus at that given time). By the end of the 15 min journey we had 24 people on the back seat of the bus! At the fresher’s ball we saw DJ Ironik because Wiley "lost his Rolex" (i.e. he was sick) It was an amazing evening and I met a lot of people from other colleges.

Other events included the Vanbrugh bar quiz (held in the V-bar). This was quite amusing with team names such as "Quiz on my face" and "Quizzy rascal". Our Team was called "Le Page against the machine" due to our team being from Le Page Court floor 2. The results were called and wooooo "Le Page against the machine" had won, unfortunately we later learned that there was another team called "Le page against the machine" and we had actually lost...but you know. *Update* Week 2 we came joint 3rd *end of Update*

We also had access all areas where every pub, club, venue on campus held an event. Events included a silent disco, the Cheeky Girls and a secret performance from Elliot Minor! I wandered into Elliot Minor by accident and they were really good. I didn't get to see the Cheeky Girls though...Oh what a shame.

There were many more events but I can't think of them at this moment in time. But it was a great week.


I promised the people on my floor that I would mention them somewhere in my next blog (which most of them actually read =D). So here goes.

-Kallum- A great guy, does like cross dressing a bit too much but what can I say "each to their own". Just like frosties...he's great! He also got into the Vanbrugh football team!

-Susana- My next door neighbours (along with the Kitchen), is an international student but has amazing English. Lovely to talk to and enjoys to facebook rape me...oh the fun!

-Tabby-My across the corridor mate, she’s a really cool person with a bubbly personality. She is studying History of Art and therefore has a ridiculously low number of contact hours...grrrr XD

-Lydia (left), Laura (right)- Lydia is one of the kindest people I have yet to meet, she cares about everyone and is so generous (I have many times eaten her food =D). Laura is my neighbour from two doors down, she’s a really lively person who likes to parrrttyyyyy!!! XD

-Sajni (left-not actually on our floor but has been adopted), Verity (right)-Sajni pays back taxi fairs...Verity doesn't....what more can I say. Nah only joking they are both awesome people and I seem to spend a lot of
time in Verity's room fixing her internet lol.

-Uncle Bulgaria (aka Ivaylo)- So Nicknamed due to his home country, Uncle is secretly a member of the Bulgarian MI5. We therefore all have to be on our best behavouir when arround him. He is a real laugh and a great character.

-James- Also living close to me James is a History student, also with a stupidly small number of hours. His main source of food is toast...I saw him just today eating 10 slices...for lunch.

-Richard (Left), Johnny (Right) - Richard is the dude who kept me awake on the first night (read previous blog) and we share a kitchen. We are turning into old house wives though...taking out the rubbish and complaining about the state of our kitchen. He is also the only person other than myself confident to take apart a laptop....Johnny is a machine, partying till the early hours...lectures at 9:15...he’s not human....Richard also sucks at Mario Kart!

-Jono (left) me (right) - Jono is the other Christian on my floor, having done a year out with his Church he is nearly 2 years older than me. However just like me he can have a good laugh and has very weird eating habits...i.e. sausages at 2am! But hey Student living is weird!

-Millie- I do everything this girl tells me...just because she's the boss. Don’t cross! Only joking she’s a really nice girl and enjoys partying, saying that nearly all of our floor do but hey. She has an amazing sound system, but no laptop as of yet...that is where I come in!

There are other people on my floor, a couple of second and third years and some other people who I have no photos for...=S, if i find any I shall add them. They are all really nice and all have different attitudes to religion and life.

So I have now properly started my course, and at the moment it’s not very challenging. This is mainly because they are trying to get everyone up to the same standard in maths, physics and electronics. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) I took A-levels in all of these subjects so nothing is too difficult. I have however started to learn how to program in "C", a language which I have never used and am really enjoying it. I found out that the first assignment is going to be to make a computer game...oh how I love electronics =D.

//Christian Union
On Saturday I went down to the CU main meeting and was very encouraging, a lot of people were there and they had a band and good solid teaching. They also emphasised the fact that they were not a CU and openly said that they would rather us go to Church than CU. I also learnt that the CU is not part of the Student Union (UYSU) as they have a statement of faith for anyone who wants to be a voting member. Following that Jono and I (see above) headed down on Tuesday to the college CU, this included a bible study, prayer and talk and was a really good way to meet other first year Christian in my college.

//Sunday Roast
Last Sunday our whole floor clubbed together to cook a Sunday roast dinner for ourselves and the Provost (Head of College). We had 4 Chickens and a lot of vegetables. It was a really great dinner and a great end to an amazing fresher’s week.

//Prayer Request
-For the people on my floor to continue to be interested in faith
-Thanking God for putting me in such an amazing place
-For Church hunting on Sunday
-For the course elections coming up in which I am standing for course rep

So although I have only just touched the surface of what is going on in my life and at York at the moment, I hope for everyone reading, whether you be family or friends or even someone I have never met, I hope you have a lovely week, stay strong and thanks for reading. Please comment!

God Bless David xxx

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